This has been a GREAT week!! Last Friday I had a doctor's appointment for me and Baby C, it was the dreaded glucose test. I don't know what all the hub bub is about, but it wasn't bad at all. My doctor was very efficient and we did my regular appointment in between drinking the stuff and drawing the blood so the hour passed quickly. I think I only had 25 minutes to occupy on my own which isn't too terrible.
The appt. went very well. Everything with the baby is looking great. I had lost 6 pounds since last months appt. due to the flu but the baby is still growing great so it was not a concern. My blood pressure had gone down some more which I love to hear, naturally I run a little higher than normal so the fact it keeps coming down a little is great. The blood test came back good as well, no gestational diabetes and everything else in the bloodwork checked out good too. All in all it was a great appt. Pregnancy agrees with me, I just feel great and look good and am having a good time with it...I may be crazy!
This weekend we also had Christmas with Joy and Barb. It was a great time as well. The gifts were awesome and the company was too. It was nice to get together and celebrate the holiday.
We were also pretty productive around the house this weekend, installing closet organizers, going through things, reorganizing, etc... It was great to finally get started on all of that.
Yesterday the people came and fixed our countertop. I am impressed at how well it was repaired. I was skeptical but they did great. Just another thing to add to the list of good things this past week.
Best of all, I had an interview today for a job that had come open in the Kids West office. I had applied for it and was being extremely hopeful. I desperately wanted the opportunity to advance and the hours are 8-4:30, which certainly beats my off and on from 6:15-6:00 schedule.
The interview went very well and I left really hoping for the job. After going over the duties I felt even more like I would really enjoy the job. I was trying not to be too optimistic because they had had 65 applicants for the position and you just never know with these things. Let me tell you, prayers were answered when 2 hours after I left my interview my boss called and offered me the job!!! I am so PUMPED!!!!!
Also, we have a 3D/4D ultrasound scheduled for Friday, I can hardly wait to see Baby C!!!
Life is good right now, everything is so great, I LOVE IT!!!