Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pudding...Oh My...



hungry dog...

flipped spoon...


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Little Barfing Girl

I never get the chance to be sick anymore.  Inevitabley if I am sick, Charlotte is sick and so I am taking care of her.  I came home sick from work yesterday feeling absolutely terrible.  Charlotte was at daycare so Jim picked her up and I had a couple hours on my own before they got home.  Thank goodness because that evening, true to form, Charlotte got sick. 
This poor little girl started barfing over and over and over.  And, of course, it was all over me.  Finally we had to put her in the bath, change clothes, etc...  Eventually she fell asleep on me but not after puking again.  We got her to bed and laid down ourselves. 

Sometime in the middle of the night she was up again doing it all over.  She didn't even have anything left to puke.  It must have been the turning point because suddenly she was feeling better and played for a little bit before we laid back down again for the night.

The next day she was fine, I however, was still sick.  Go Figure.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Jim and I celebrate our 3rd anniversary today.  It is so hard to believe it has been 3 year but my oh my they have been wonderful.  Our greatest accomplishment thus far?  Easy, this girl.  Cute as a doll reading books before she heads over to aunt Barb's so that we can head to dinner. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mop Head

This girl's hair often leaves me at a loss.  There is so stinkin' much of it and doing it is not always easy.  Seriously little miss mop head. 

When I tuck it behind her ears or sweep it out of her face she often shakes her head so it is right in her eyes again...silly.

And on a random note, she absolutely loves her lightning mcqueen ride on toy.  Best clearance find ever. 

All the Essentials

Jim and Charlotte fell asleep together for a nice Sunday afternoon nap...with all of the essentials of course.  A sippy cup and a toohbrush. 

September Birthday Party 2010

The Davis Family September birthday party was this last weekend on Saturday.  I was shooting a wedding so Jim made the trip up to Jewell, IA with his sister and Charlotte.  From what I heard it was a good time.  Here are some pictures he took.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Recovery Day

I took today off work to hang out with Char so she could recover well.  Not sure it was necessary, the girl was a spit fire all day.  Here she is, still in jammies hamming it up for me.

Eventually we headed to the mall to play at the play place.  Today was nice and warm, tomorrow is supposed to be rainy and cold (and of course I have a wedding to shoot). 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wow! That Was Easy!!

Charlotte had her final surgery today and it went so well!  She was in and out of surgery great and he was able to remove the entire cyst without a problem.  Recovery was a bit different.  This time we were not getting admitted to the hospital (oh darn!) and so we recovered in the out patient recovery rooms.  She was definitely in some pain this time, and last  time that was not really the case so it was hard for us to see her hurt.  She didn't know if she wanted to sleep or cry.

We were able to leave by 9:30am and were soon on our way home.  After less than a minute in the car she was fast asleep so Jim and I grabbed breakfast, chatted, and drove around for awhile so that she could rest some more before we disturbed her.  When we got home she was back to her old self in no time. 

They were able to stitch her instead of packing it which was also good.  She has a bandaid on it that we can not remove for at least 3 days because they do not want to risk the wound popping open.  She also can not take a bath for a while so our stinky girl is sure to return!

Speaking of stinky, she was doing the funniest thing when we got home and after she woke up and was playing.  She was sitting by Petey and kept picking up his paws, sniffing them, dropping them and exclaiming "P U" while scrunching her nose and making a funny face.  She was cracking me up. 

Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers.  I am glad it's all over and we can return to life as normal!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A New Spot to Sit

It used to be that every time we opened the fridge she would grab the container of real maple syrup (very bottom right corner), now when we open it, she sits down.  What a goof.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bright Kitchen

After all of the hub bub of last week we spent Labor Day at home, relaxing and having some family time.  I had photoshoots on Saturday but the rest of it was just us.  We managed to go shopping and finally pick up a rug for the dining area.  I just can not believe how much bigger and brighter it is now that the work is done.  It really livens up the space.  In fact, we have decided to not put our upper cabinets back up and to instead do open shelving.  We are pretty pumped about it!

Here we are rolling around on the new rug and playing.  Crazy family we are.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Final Surgery Date

We had an appointment with Dr. Ukabiala today to schedule Charlotte's final surgery and re-check her cyst and make sure she is still responding well tot he antibiotics at home.  She is still doing good and it isn't growing, infact it is looking less red and slightly less enlarged.  She will go in for her final surgery on September 16th and then we will be done!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

It Came Back

Jim and I noticed on Tuesday (08/31) that Charlotte had a little bump where her cyst is.  We kept an eye on it and by Wednesday morning I figured we better call the surgeon just to see what was going on.  They asked us to come in that afternoon to check it out.  When I picked her up from daycare it was already considerably bigger than it was that morning.

When the surgeon looked at it he decided she needed to be put on  iv antibiotics and admitted to the hospital.  Basically, they had hoped to do the 2nd surgery after she had completely healed from the first one, but the cyst was growing back.  Because it was infected they needed to get the infection down before determining the next course of action. 

Before you knew it, we were being escorted over to Blank Children's.  We were very unprepared.  I didn't even have Jim there because he had meetings and I honestly had NO idea that being admitted was even an option.  I called him and he headed over. I didn't bring in the diaper bag from the car, had nothing ready, I hadn't even shut down my computer at work because I assumed I would be going back.

On Thursday morning the surgeon came in to check on her.  He wanted to keep her on the antibiotics to see if it would go down.  If it did not go down they would need to do surgery which would be a larger, more invasive surgery than anyone wanted.  It would involve some risk of spreading the infection and they would have to remove all of the tissue around the cyst to make sure all of the infection was out.  It would then need to be packed and have time to heal.  There was a chance they would take her into surgery if they thought they could do a smaller one, and there was a chance it would respond to the antibiotics well and we would go home on antibiotics for a short amount of time and then schedule the more clean surgery.

Shortly after the surgeon stopped by the cyst ruptured.  That was not a bad thing for it to do but it made our hospital stay more rough.  At that point a contact order was issued for our room because there was an open infection.  We could not leave the room and any hospital personnel that entered had to put on extra jackets, gloves, etc...
After it ruptured that guaranteed us another night in the hospital.  It did get better throughout the day on Thursday but that night they did go ahead and prep her in case they decided on surgery the next morning.  This included cutting off all food and drink after midnight. 
Friday morning we waited...pretty impatiently...for the surgeon to come by.  He did not get there until around noon.  We were very lucky as it had gotten even better.  We were allowed to go home on high dose oral antibiotics.  We ordered our starving girl some lunch and waited to be discharged.  We will see the surgeon again on Wednesday to decided when exactly they will do the 2nd surgery.  What a roller coaster.